I have to say that I'm a bit of a weather buff and I had to take a photo of these clouds yesterday. They look like a lot of lenticular clouds stacked on top of each other. We've had a strong Levante this week. That's an easterly wind that blows along the Med and gets funneled through the Straits of Gibraltar. In the winter it can bring us days or even weeks of cool, cloudy and windy weather. In the Summer the sun is usually hot enough to burn off the cloud, but not this week. So we are sitting around 23C recently when normally we should be around 30C for mid June. For those of you avid readers who think I'm talking bollocks, I have to confess that I've been an amateur meteorologist since I was about 12 years old. I have even had my own weather station at various times in my life. And all this was before 'Weather Porn' and `Storm Chasers' entered the dictionary. My dream holiday would involve chasing a tornado in tornado alley in the U. S. A. In the meantime expect a few more Cloud Porn posts.