It's one thing children believing in Unicorns, but Llamacorns? It sounds like a growth on the underside of a Llama's foot. Llamas are not even cute. I trust that this trend has reached it's end, but who knows. I suppose any animal will suffice now. Anacondacorns? Gorillacorns? If there must be one then I vote for Koalacorns. At least Koalas are cute.
I am not even going to talk about magic poo. You would need to ask my 11 year old daughter about that. She is an expert in all things slime, putty and poo. She actually has a slime factory in her bedroom.
I suppose it's similar to when we played with mud when we were kids or made coffee out of sheeps droppings (yes we Welsh kids did that). At least we were out of doors though and not watching YouTube!